Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

and happy holidays!

I hope everyone enjoys a nice day off
and maybe some time with family and yummy food.

I feel so lucky to have the lovely people I have around me.
I will definitely be enjoying a completely relaxed day.

Love you all,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Owl Baby Pocket Mirror, originally uploaded by Needlings.

These new little pocket mirrors are up in my shop - among a few other new things. I'm hoping things will slow down so I'll be able to sew a bit more and get a few more things in the shop - new tote, new pouches, new Needlings - lots of stuff on the go. I'm excited for January when I'll have a bit more Needlings time.


December has been a busy month...
as I'm sure it has been for a lot of people!

I'm using today to wrap presents and get ready for Christmas completely since I will be at work all day tomorrow.

I hope everyone is doing lots of fun holiday stuff and enjoying some time off if you have it.

The year is almost over...see you in the next one!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mom, Markets, and Computer Hate

I've been keeping quite busy lately in terms of Needlings
goings-on as well as helping my mom start her very own
Etsy scarf shop.

So we present you with, the very sparce, currently, but not for long,

She's working on lots of pretty, pretty scarves featuring
the yarns you see in the photo. I'm helping her out
as much I can until she gets the hang of it but
it's very nice to see her excited.
She's always been a "maker" who would love to have
a shop of some sort but I think wasn't sure where to start.

On the topic of markets,
I will be participating in the Holiday Makers' Market
here in Hamilton this year taking place at Christ's
Cathedral Church downtown - which is a beautiful old
church that allows it's usage for such events.
I'm excited to see how it goes considering it has more of
an "indie," for the lack of a better word, vibe than
my first show did (that I was still happy with) earlier this month.

Now on the combo topic of computer hate and why
I haven't been very present on this here blog lately
My firefox browser has decided to disallow me
access to certain features such as my email, flickr blogging,
and other fun things that make my life easier for them
to all be in the same place.
My computer has decided to take a bit of a speed break
on top of that so we'll see what I can work out.
Perhaps Santa will bring me a brand new spiffy working
computer...and if he doesn't - I may just have
to bring it to myself.

I hope to see you more often than it has been.

I shall be working away on new items (Owl Mamas currently)
and organizing for the market next week but I hope
everyone in the U.S. has a happy Thanksgiving
and end of November in general for everyone else.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Free Shipping and New Moo!

Needlings Notecard Set, originally uploaded by Needlings.

These are my new note cards featuring my product photography printed by!
I thought they needed a little home so I made a felt envelope to hold the little set of 4 cards and envelopes. It's fun trying out new things. I'm still working on a few more holiday-y items so look out for those if you are so inclined.

I spent today doing a little Christmas shopping for my mom...I seem to always start with her because she's just the easiest. I love shopping for her. On the off chance she reads this I won't say what I got but I will say that I think she'll like all of it. My dad and brother always require serious spying, prying, and list-making. Thankfully, I am a cool-headed late shopper so I still have some time!

Speaking of holiday shopping...
I'm officially letting you all know that I have free shipping worldwide in my shop until December 1st! No excuses to empty out those favourites now. (wink wink)

I hope everyone is enjoying the starting signs (or full on pleasant/unpleasant effects) of winter coming.

If you hate winter...don't fret - it always goes away eventually. And if you love it...enjoy it until it is over and then don't fret - it always comes back again.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

MacFair finished!

MacFair 08, originally uploaded by Needlings.

I've had a busy beginning of November getting ready and finally actually doing MacFair at the Museum of Art the past few days.
It was an overall pleasant first show for me and I was lucky enough to have my mom there the whole time.
This photo is of my set up before the show started and only experienced a little shifting and replacing of items over the span of the three day show. Definitely happy with how it turned out!
It was busier than I thought it would be and there really were no disasters or even almost disasters and I am now feeling ready to agree to more shows...which is exciting!
It was super nice to be able to talk to a few people who are really right there with me in a lot of ways. I'm really too much of a homebody most of the time so I really liked meeting some really sweet people.

Oh, and tomorrow is my birthday! Not a bad November so far.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's a Necklace!

It's a necklace!, originally uploaded by Needlings.

In the middle of all my tagging and pricing prep for MacFair Thursday, Friday, and Saturday...I decided to make a tiny owl.

Added a little ring and ribbon and I think he makes the perfect little owly necklace!

I hope everyone's November is starting out as pleasant as mine has been.
Busy with work but definitely good.
I'll be spending the next couple of days frantically working to prepare for my show but I hope to see you all following the weekend with some good words (and photos) from my first big show!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Holly Doll

Holly Doll, originally uploaded by Needlings.

It's Saturday night and I've finished another new doll!
My weekend is never much of a break in the week since I work at 7am both Saturday and Sunday so my work week soldiers on as usual.

It was quite a rainy day today but I managed to get a few photos taken between sun showers which made me quite happy.

I wish it were snowy so she could have a wintery background to suit her rosy red cheeks but these will do for now.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ellie Doll

Ellie Doll, originally uploaded by Needlings.

Well, here she is all finished up! And she's up in the shop too.
My plan is to get a few done to add a few punches of pattern to my table at MacFair!
First one down, polka dots!
I've been working on another one that's a little more Christmas-y looking. Red and white to be exact. With some vintage floral print legs. It's fun to work with patterned fabric every once in awhile on things other than bags.
Happy last weekend of October! I always miss October when it's over. But November is my birth month so the longing doesn't last too long!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New pouches!

New pouches!, originally uploaded by Needlings.

I finally finished a big batch of pouches I've been working on and they're now up in my shop!
My fingers are quite glad that the ordeal is over but I didn't give them much of a break to be honest:
I've spent the past little bit finishing up that new doll that I'll be showing off very soon.

Can you believe how hard I'm working?
I can't!

Talk soon and thanks for checking back with me; as always.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Work, originally uploaded by Needlings.

Just started working on this new doll last night while watching Pushing Daisies (I love that show).

I hope to get a few dolls (my felt plush with fabric legs) finished before MacFair...among a few other things!

Back to work! Hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday!

P.S. There will be a new batch of snap pouches in the shop very very soon!

Come see me at MacFair!

Come see me at MacFair!, originally uploaded by Needlings.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Work, originally uploaded by Needlings.

Still working away at a big batch of pouches.

My poor fingers.

I've also listed a bunch of new Owl Mamas in the shop!

Happy Thursday!

P.S. See that adorable little pincushion?

It's from the ever so sweet SugarElf shop!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 08:15 Why am I awake? #
  • 09:06 Katie in the shop! #
  • 09:06 Fern in the shop! #
  • 10:16 today I have to: keep working on ridiculous quantity of pouches, shop for more MacFair supplies (bags, rack for totes, etc.), and vote! #
  • 16:15 voted! #
  • 18:11 so happy with all the stuff I got for my craft fair display today! Less nerves and more excitement! #
  • 21:57 listening to Penelope by Pinback #
  • 23:22 is quite happy to be heading to bed tonight. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Or Columbus Day,
for you Americans.

Or Monday,
for everyone else.

Still working on a big batch of pouches for MacFair.
So so happy to have the next three days to devote
to Needlings and just myself!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 05:29 why does my cell phone not let me know I have a new voicemail until the absolute middle of the night...5 hours after the message was left? #
  • 12:58 working on a batch of pouches for MacFair and taking photos of Owl Mamas. #
  • 13:05 Peter back in the shop: #
  • 13:49 what is going on with my camera? #
  • 14:04 just listed a new Owl Mama in the shop! #
  • 14:24 and another one! #
  • 14:53 not looking forward to working 7am-3:30pm tomorrow but really looking forward to my Thanksgiving (Canadian) 3 day "weekend." #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally Finished Scarf

Finally Finished Scarf, originally uploaded by Needlings.

Remember when I started this? Me neither. June, I believe.
I absolutely love knittydirtygirl's yarn!

Now I have an excellently green scarf to go with my purple jacket.

Who Loves Ikea?

I do!

So I always get lost and will
never possess such a perfect display kitchen...
but one trip to Ikea and I feel loads better about MACFair
that's coming up in a little under a month.

Two little metal shelve-y step-y things,
a little pink stool,
and a bright yellow metal storage pail,
and I feel like I'm almost there.

All I need is a rack of some sort for my totes.
Email me if you have any leads!

Here's my "test set up."
Don't mind the currently empty signs
and random bits of clutter scattered about!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cloudy Day

It's a pretty sad looking day today...

And I just shipped out this happy little cloud custom pouch.

It was nice and sunny when I was working on it yesterday though.
Really pretty.
I love fall.

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 10:31 did inventory on baking books section at work today...yeah, I'll be making some cupcakes after lunch. #
  • 12:26 checking out ....Harper must go! #
  • 17:15 is continually unimpressed with Great Big Sea. #
  • 20:16 watching the debates...the American and the Canadian both. So far, I have determined that the Americans have superior sound guys. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's October!

I completely can't believe it.
The next month has been jumping up on me
too quickly lately.

I managed to get a new tote in the shop today.

A mushroom one:

I spent some time joining Twitter today.
Which is a fun little blogging update sort of site
for quick updates or those with short attention spans.

If I can fully figure it may find some of my "tweets"
making their way over here every once in awhile.
But in the meantime,
you can see them here!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh Ike.

Thanks to hurricane Ike,
Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago seems to have
been quite the wet one.

My wonderful fellow Plush Team
members who went to Chicago to
work our booth spoke of a happy weekend,
though wet, and not as busy as hoped.

I'm just thrilled to have been able to participate
and look forward to many awesome
Plush Team events in the future.
Hopefully a few I will attend in person as well!

photo credit:

photo credit:

The booth looks amazing in the photos, doesn't it?
So many awesome Plush Team plush!

On a serious note,
I hope everyone who was affected by Ike is
with power and safety soon if not already.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Enter to Win some Needlings Owly Goodies!

Blogger, SevenDogsandaBaby. com, is having an owl giveaway
along with her nice post of my items!

Click here for the post

All you have to do is go read her post then check out my shop
and make a comment on her blog about your favourite item and
you'll be entered to win a Mini Owl Mama and an Owl Baby Pin.

The contest runs until October 15th and it's for US entries only.

Good luck!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Forgive Me

I've been a very bad blogger lately.
Many bummed out life-y things have prevented me from
sharing more regularly.

All bumming aside...
I've remained happy with all the Needlings

In fact,
I'm super excited for Renegade this weekend!
Of course, I am not going to Chicago myself; but
I will live through my little guys that attend in my place.

The amazing Plush Team, who I feel
genuinely lucky to be a part of,
is going to be there in Chicago.
At booth 70, if you're so inclined.

We also have another team event planned
for October.
A trunk show in Columbus, OH.

Something I was going to attend but,
due to those bummy life events,
will be experiencing from afar.
Though a handful of Owl Mamas and other Needlings
will enjoy their time there, I'm sure.

I'm working on getting ready for
yet another show in November.
But this one will be all by my lonesome
for a three day show at McMaster Museum of Art.
Very exciting.
I'll keep you updated!

I've also added a bunch of fun magnets
and other new goodies to the shop
since we've talked last so don't forget
to go check them out!

I hope all is well with you.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fall Up

The title of this entry, "Fall Up," comes
from the new Rio en Medio single.
I'm super excited to acquire the full
new album, "Frontier."

I'm winding up my summer work;
having finished the Renegade group to sell along with
the amazing work of my fellow Plush Team members,
and another group of Owl Mamas heading off to
Wholly Craft in Columbus, OH.

Lots of other little ends being tied off before I dive in to
fall shows and the Christmas season prep.

I'm slowly getting back in to making new items for the shop.
I put up a new little owly magnet set
and just finished this funny little thing that will
appear in the shop some time this week:

I may be heading in to Toronto this week or next
for a little fun friend time but you will be informed I'm sure!
Hopefully I will take some photos too since I always forget.
I forget to get in to tourist mode
when I'm only going 45 minutes away.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


My Renegade work has ended.

A very large box is out of my hands
and headed towards Chicago.

I can only hope it will be happily received!

My other little bit of exciting news that is
unrelated to Renegade Craft fair
is that I am participating in
the etsy coop advertising program.
This means a little Needlings ad will be
seen in a two page etsy ad in the November
issue of Craft Magazine.
I'm super excited about it!
My businessy birthday (birth month I guess)
gift to myself in November.

You can be sure I will be showing that off
when it shows up on the shelves.

Lots of things to work for in the next few months.
It's good.
I love being Needlings busy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More work...

I'm surprised with how busy I've been.
I'm nearly finished with my items to send along with
the Plush Team at Renegade...
which is awesome!

I really didn't think I would be quite as productive as I have been.

And I even had time to finish and list a new "Out on a Limb Tote."

I had yet to take photos of the ten new Owl Mamas I've finished
but I'm planning on being able to get a quick shot or two in
before they enter the box and (hopefully) leave me forever.

Oh and I even managed to finish these two Needlings too:

Back to work I go!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Renegade Owls

My goal is to get together at least 20 items to sell at Renegade
along with my Plush Team members.
My first step is cutting up some felt for Owl Mamas.

I've sent a couple to where
they will be reviewed and a little giveaway contest will occur.
(Don't worry, I'll let you know when;
in case you're interested in some free Needlings owly stuff!)

A few are in my shop and
a few are in the works for Renegade.

I also have a bunchabunch of ric rac on it's way to me in the mail...
so I'll have fun putting new colours together I'm sure.
I love ric rac.
I took dance when I was little and I remember
my mom had to sew some strips of ric rac on a costume
and I loved it then too.
It had to be red, green, and yellow which I remember
not quite enjoying as much as a few other strips that
were available at the fabric store.
It was the 80's.
I hadn't learned the appeal of primary colours
and much preferred pastels and "hypercolour."

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mini Work

I made this little girly last night.
My mom claimed her right away!
I might have to make a big version
(this actually took just as much time to hand sew as my regular sized Needlings take; tiny stitches.)
but I really need to get started on some work for Renegade asap.

I've put in a request at "the real job" that will, hopefully,
allow me more time for the Needlings,
going in to September and "the Christmas season."
This is exciting for me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Renegade (and pouches)

Exciting plans =
The Plush Team got accepted to Renegade Craft Fair Chicago!
We're all so excited and just trying to work out all the specifics right now.

I would love to love to go.
It might (probably) won't be doable realistically for me
but my amazing team memberswill be manning the booth for those of us unable
to attend but will be sending items to sell.

So I really have to get a lot done in this next month.
I have about 20 Needlings/Owl Mamas
(probably more owls than Needlings)
to finish and send off to Chicago.

Hopefully I can still get new items in the shop on a regular basis!

I did, however,
finish all those pouches I showed you the other day.
The two top ones are sold already but
I'll try to keep a steady stream
of the popular ones made in the shop.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Projects and Plans

As I wait very patiently (ahem) for some potentially very exciting news tomorrow...
I've been working on another little batch of pouches to keep me occupied.
I think I have the most fun picking out colours.
Contrast is my favourite.

Here's a peek:

Ok, back to work...
And don't worry,
I'll let you know if there's any BIG news.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New shop things!

That's right...two posts in one day AND
two new things in the shop today.

Did you ever think someone could be so productive on a Saturday?

Now I promise I have nothing more to say or do today.
See you soon!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Two of the Three

So from the little messy picture from the last post...


and new Needling:
Her name is Kaz and her story can be found in the etsy shop.

The green scarf is an ongoing in between projects project so I'm still knitting...
I'm also knitting turquoise straps for a new red corduroy bag so who knows what will come first.

I spent a little part of the day organizing my work table too:
Ok so I don't really have any room to do "work" at it but it is where I keep everything anyway.
Then I cover everything with their respective plastic lids and then a tarp to deter further cat attention.
It works well.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Projects

I've been working away I promise.
Lots of knitting actually as I try to get ahead on some straps for totes.
Feels like progress but not as many new things in the shop lately to show for it.
There will be more in the coming weeks.

Here's a little peek at a few things I've been working on:

A green scarf (thinking ahead for the winter season)
Doesn't it look so pretty on those purple needles?
Like an eggplant.
Gave me an idea for a little extra...

A new Needling just waiting for my new Needlings tags to come in the mail
so her little leg can be stuffed and sewn...

And a polka dotted tote with yellow straps.

Oh and also!
is now mine.
Currently it only directs to the etsy shop but it still feels like nice progress.

So you see, lots of things!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

FREE Shipping!

Until the end of June!

Free shipping worldwide in the shop.

On everything!

Friday, June 20, 2008


I got my new buttons today!

There will be some in the shop by tomorrow,
and they'll be sent with purchases as well.

I shouldn't be this excited but they're just bright and cheerful and plentiful!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Today I came home from work and thought,
"what should I make today?,"
as I often do...
I decided I needed a book bag.
I work at a bookstore and as a result,
I buy too many books and always have one in my bag.
They can get a little banged up so I decided to make a little book bag to protect them!

Books really shouldn't be banging up against keys and lip gloss.

On a personal note, anticipate a possible shop closure in the next couple of weeks
as I may need to go out of town for a short period of time...maybe a week.
On another personal note,
my dad, who I rarely see because he lives in Nevada and has been desperately trying to sell
his house so he can return to Canada and retire, has finally sold his house and is moving back!
It was excellent father's day news and I'm so happy he'll be back where he wants to be.

I really hope everyone is having a nice summer so far, maybe reading a few good books (which ones? recommend!), going on fun vacations, and generally enjoying their lives.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Return

I seemingly have abandoned this blog
but I promise you it is not for good.
I've been occupied and preoccupied along with
busy for the past few weeks...
I have, however, updated the shop with a few new things:
A doll
who I love:

Between you and me,
this Penny Doll design was created for one of my friends
who just so happens to be having a little baby girl in about 4 weeks.
This new little girl is going to be getting one of these dolls in pink and green which are,
I am told,
the colours of the nursery who waits for her to arrive.

Quite exciting really.
I'm excited.

So that's all for now.
New things to come always.
I hope I won't abandon this blog again but
hopefully you are all having summer fun with no time for blog reading anyway.

Thank you, as always, for checking back.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Tote

I mentioned a new tote last post...

well, this isn't it.

But it is a new tote!

The other one I am still knitting/trying to find the time to knit the straps for it.

This one is going to go up in the shop in a little bit though.

It's a bigger one.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Victoria Day Weekend Work Update

To make use of my first day off since I got back from my trip,
I made a new little clutch for my shop:

I'm super excited about it. I think it's really cute.

I've also finished a new Needling that remains nameless because I've just been exhausted in a way that doesn't warrant naming and story-writing. Even mini-story writing.

Here he is though.
Probably will be in the shop sometime this coming week.

I'm also working on a new tote.
I've just got some pretty pink straps to knit up and it will be ready to go.
Give me a little while for those but you'll see that soon too.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mama's Day

I suppose it's almost over now but still.
I had some nice family time and showered my mom with magazines and books.
Well two British magazines and Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (an Oprah recommended book I have no desire to read but my mom was interested in).
Work at a book store.
It will make you Oprah bitter.

I finished and listed in my shop this new little scrap munchkin today.

Found about 3 yards of this navy polka dotted chintz at one Saturday morning yard sale.

Not sure what I'll use it for...
so far, little legs and arms.

Put up a new pouch yesterday and am working on another little wallet for the shop that I think I will manage to list by tomorrow afternoon.
The wallets are a lot of work but I think it's worth it and I get compliments on my own all the time which is encouraging.
Check out the shop tomorrow...I promise a new one will be there.

I'm very happy to be motivated this week to get a lot of new things finished.
I think because I've been away from my supplies for two weeks.
It's funny how much I miss hanging out and sewing things.
I love that I get to do it as much as I do.
I very much miss and wish my other loves were closer to me.
Can't have everything and everyone you love always together I guess.
Mom's here though.
That's a plus.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm back!

I had an amazing trip and an overwhelming amount of happy times over the past two weeks.
I'm home now, and after sleeping the whole day to recover from an all night bus ride rapidly followed by first day back to work...
I will be starting to get The Needlings shop back in gear after packing up orders made while I was gone.

I don't recommend working at 7am the morning you arrive by bus at 5am.
It will mess you up.

I hope everyone's May is off to a good start.
Although I am sad sad sad about being away again from my Iowa friends and Carlos in Ohio,
I am excited to get some work done this week.
I'd say you can expect a few new things in the coming weeks for sure.

Talk soon.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Closing shop!

Don't worry! Just for two weeks!

I'm going on vacation so, while technically the shop is completely open, I'm not going to be shipping any purchases made until I return on May 9th.

I will be maid of honouring it up in Iowa and then spending a couple days in Ohio with Carlos afterwards; essentially I will be touring the midwest of America for my super tropical spring vacation.

I am actually really excited.

I have been really inactive on this blog lately because I've just been trying to get myself together and ready to take a couple weeks off life at home!

I've been working (and actually finishing, thank the lo) on Jenny and Trystan's wedding present and spare extras for the shop over the past week.

A little photo tour:

The beginnings of a fluffy pillow; a fluffy pillow so desired by said receiver.

Really messy work table with the beginnings of a covered canvas experiment

Domino looks on unimpressed. (Note tiny spot of cat drool)

And done!

So that's what I've been up to.
An owly wedding present of two wall hangings and a fuzzy pillow for my best friend and fellow owl lover, Jenny, and her probably ok enough with owls fiance and soon to be husband, Trystan.

They don't read this blog so I can be sure the secret is safe.

So again you won't see me for a stretch of time...two weeks to be exact!

But as soon as I get back home, it's back to work on lots of new Needlings suches!

I hope everyone has a great end of April beginning of May!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I keep all my scraps.

Bins and drawers of cut up felt and fabric and thread.

Here's "Dot the Scrap Munchkin," to help me out.

She's just been listed in the shop.

Oh and also I have to show off my new stuff,
some made, one bought.

My new "Princess Tina" tote purchase from Magic Pony (really fun toy shop/gallery)
and my new wallet and change purse I made for myself.
Yay new stuff! Right?