Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh Ike.

Thanks to hurricane Ike,
Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago seems to have
been quite the wet one.

My wonderful fellow Plush Team
members who went to Chicago to
work our booth spoke of a happy weekend,
though wet, and not as busy as hoped.

I'm just thrilled to have been able to participate
and look forward to many awesome
Plush Team events in the future.
Hopefully a few I will attend in person as well!

photo credit: moogancreations.etsy.com

photo credit: susarto.etsy.com

The booth looks amazing in the photos, doesn't it?
So many awesome Plush Team plush!

On a serious note,
I hope everyone who was affected by Ike is
with power and safety soon if not already.

1 comment:

ourgreatgreenglobe said...

Look at all these great plushies! so cool!