Week 255 consisted of organizing my to-do list, dropping off some goodies to Chapters, and workroom times getting ready for a craft show in Waterdown on Saturday!
Before I got started, I had some fun planning out another fun thing to make just for myself, another skirt! Seeing as how my to-do list over the next couple months is bursting at the seems (sewing pun, ha) I may not get around to it for a little bit but I at least know what I'll do once I take the time to! I took some time to dye some cream coloured fabric I had laying around a nice milk chocolatey colour. So it's all ready and waiting for some extra non-Needlings sewing time...
I managed to get a little homey doodle in before dropping off some goodies at Chapters and working on a batch of Little Robots, Minou Kitties, and Little Owlings.
All stocked up on Littles at Chapters!
(phone pic - oops, forgot my camera)
Then sewing time!
And we were ready to go for the craft show! I also received an amazing unexpected gift the day before the show from my crafty friend Lisa ofNerdbiskit : a new craft show apron! It is wonderful in all it's custom-made for Needlings glory. I'm so lucky to have such sweet friends!

And I got to use it the very next day at the craft show in Waterdown!
I had my mom's knits on the table this time, The Nature Of Mary Jane, and had a nice day hanging out with my table neighbour, Jen of Sparklegirl.
Now I have two weeks to concentrate on restocking a couple stores then I'll be back down on James Street North in Hamilton at the Makers' Market for October Art Crawl!
I can hardly believe September is over but October and November are two more of my faves!
See you all next week!
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