Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year
Friday, December 18, 2009
Our Tree
It's finally up and it finally really feels like Christmas around here.
I love handmade ornaments, not surprisingly. We cover our tree with Christmas happys made by real folks and that makes me happy. We've collected quite a few over the years including ones I've made at various stages as well.
A lot of my newer favourites came from various loved etsy favourites - especially those little green trees with ribbon and happy faces from They're adorable.
I really feel lucky.
Happy holidays sweet people!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Makers' Market Holiday '09
My show season wrapped up on this past Saturday when I participated in the last Makers' Market of this year on James North at Christ Church Cathedral downtown Hamilton.
It was so much fun - I loved hanging out in this amazing building all day. The photo above shows just a little portion of the view from behind my table.
So many great people and a great day all around. It really felt like the beginning of the holiday season for me.
I'll be spending the rest of the year finishing up orders and working on large orders and of course participating in end of year holiday family things and other funness. We got our tree which came from a local farm and we even got free homemade apple cider to take home with us. It was very sweet. The tree is currently residing in the garage until I manage to clean up my work area which I will be sharing with said little tree shortly. I'll be sure to document its illustrious arrival.
It snowed for the first time of the season so I corned it up and watched, "White Christmas," my favourite Christmas (and otherwise really) movie.
I've made my poor family suffer through an obscene amount of viewings over the years but I think they still like it!
It's hard to believe the year is almost over. I'm excited for the year to come.
I hope everyone had a good November and feels ready for winter.
Love you,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Merryberry Market
I spent the evening of this "Black Friday" past participating in a local market to raise money for Westdale Children's School. We had so much fun and spent the night drinking apple cider and listening to little kids play various instruments inside a cozy wood adorned hall in Westdale. I loved it! It got me started thinking about Christmas spirit so all we need is some snow and it will truly feel like (almost) December.
It's a busy sewing weekend for me staying caught up with orders and making a few more odds and ends for my table to replenish what sold in the past shows in order to get ready for the last Makers' Market of the year downtown on James North on December 5th. This will be my last show for the year after a little flurry of them so it will be a little bit of a relief to concentrate on some other Needlings things.
Wish me luck!
I hope everyone had a lovely November!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Show Season
This photo is from MacFair which took place last week at the McMaster Museum of Art November 11-13. A day after my birthday!
It was so fun to have my mom there with me for her first show (there's her table of pretty scarves and cowls next to mine) and it was a great start to the season.
Tomorrow is the first Makers' Market holiday show at St. Paul's in Westdale and the following weekend brings two more shows, before the last holiday Makers' Market at the Cathedral on James North on December 5th.
Busy busy busy!
So my exciting news that leads me to have only excitement about the upcoming holiday busy-ness is that I am now a full-time all-the-time Needlings maker! I feel so lucky and happy and ready.
I hope to keep you all more updated on the future goings-on with myself and Needlings. And most of all I hope you all are happy and well.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Go Ask Alice
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Colourful Owl Babies! And thank yous.
I've had these little other coloured Owl Baby Pins floating around on my table at various markets this fall but now they're all available in my shop.
I have lots of work over the next few weeks to get ready for the three day show that is MacFair at the Museum of Art at McMaster University mid November so I will be busy busy but I hope to keep you informed of that work along the way!
I just want to take a blog minute to say thank you so so so so much if you've ever bought/read/commented/enjoyed any work I've done. I feel so lucky to have had such nice people saying so many sweet things to me over the past couple years with Needlings. It's all endlessly encouraging and means the world to me.
I love you.
Friday, October 16, 2009
It was a fun night at Supercrawl on James North in Hamilton last Friday - even if it was wet and freezing cold! It was so nice to see that so many people came out for it even though the weather was a nightmare for an outdoor event.
One more outdoor market this Saturday in the same spot downtown and then I'll be indoors for the rest of the year at a few holiday shows/markets in November and December. It's certainly easier to predict the weather inside.
Currently working away on various things and spending lots of time getting ready for the holiday season.
I hope everyone is having a great fall. I love this time of year.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August Work
I've been spending the past week working on a stack of Owl Mamas - some of which will be sent to Young Blood in Atlanta and the rest of which will be used to stock up my table for my upcoming markets and to be listed in the shop.
After feeling a bit bored of stitching 18 tiny beaks and double the eye shimmers - I decided to take a break to sew up this little mushroom. He's in the shop and now I feel sufficiently prepped for more owl work.
Oh and here's Mip the cat enjoying some sun, just because.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
It's August!
I know every month at least 10 people I come in contact with say, "Can you believe it is [insert present month] already?!" And I say, "no!," every single time.
But they do tend to come one after another so you'd think we'd all get the hang of it.
Anyway, it is indeed August already and, probably mostly thanks to some wonderful trips, June and July hardly felt like they happened at all.
I've finished this little custom Owl Mama and listed her in the shop as another owly option and really need to get to work on a batch of them for the coming markets/shows/consignment/etc. because I'm currently Owl Mama-less! I might fit in something fun and different before starting another batch but we'll see. It's a supply and demand thing (yeah, I took high school economics).
I'm so excited that my mom will be not only hanging out with me for MacFair at the museum of art at McMaster University in Hamilton this November but that she will actually be selling her wares! Her first show - and then of course I'll be there too, hopefully at the table next to hers.
She's excited too - we've been hashing out ideas for displays and I even managed to acquire some free baskets they were going to toss out at the bookstore I work part-time at so I think it will be nice and will surely suit her.
Well, there are still a few months in between to figure it all out but we all know how that goes.
Enjoy the rest of your summers!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wanderer Returns
Hello everyone!
I'm back home after the most amazingly fun trip visiting old friends in Iowa City. Lots of fun reunions and happy times with lovely people.
I even checked out White Rabbit which is a cute little diy/vintage shop that opened in Iowa City shortly after I moved away.
It's really pretty cute and I got myself an "I ♥ Iowa City" t-shirt and an adorable headband I've already had a few uses out of. That was the extent of my shopping across the border but the hanging out with friends was the priority and it was so wonderful.
So, home now and back to work.
The next half of the year looks busy for me so no more wandering with at least one show a month so I hope to fit everything in and hopefully keep you updated along the way.
I hope everyone had as lovely a July as I did!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Mortal Plush: I AM NOT YOUR TOY
The Mortal Plush opening at Art Whino Gallery in D.C. is tonight and I am there in the form of those two little gals on the wall!
It's so exciting to see the photos taken by organizer and participator, Tobiah Mundt aka Licorice Tree of so many amazing pieces by awesome plush artists!
Back to work! Only two more days of work time before I'm off on my adventure (or vacation).
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Well, here are the finally finished bookmarks. They're all up in the shop and ready to go!
I have lost my voice and may make a trip to the doctor this week to see how I can get rid of this strep throat in time for my trip to Iowa next Monday! Wonderful timing, right?
Anyway, I'm sure I will survive and be back to normal soon - in the meantime - I have lots of stuff to finish for various deadlines that happen to spring up right before I leave, while I'm away, and soon after I return. Show applications, magazine submissions, crafty whathaveyous, etc. I have a list somewhere to consult just in case my brain forgets something!
I hope everyone had an amazing weekend
and is fully enjoying their summers!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy Canada Day!
Yep, it's July 1st yet again so happy birthday Canada and happy day to the rest of you!
I have been spending the past couple days "assembling" a batch of Owly Bookmarks to add to the one lonely one in my shop - so far so good.
All the little owls are stitched so I hope to finish them off tomorrow or soon after.
In the grand tradition of being sick on holidays - I woke up yesterday with some throat scratchies that have caused me some hold ups but I still hope to be able to get my sewing work done before my regular schedule resumes on Saturday.
That's all for now! I hope everyone had a lovely day.
Here are a couple photos from today's home time:
Backyard lavender harvest.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
For the Bookish
A new little bookmark is now available in the shop for those of you, like myself, who appreciate a nice little book accessory every once in awhile.
I plan on making more to hang out on my table at my markets this year and more bookish items for the shop as well.
On the topic of books, I've been searching around for the perfect copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to inspire me a bit while I brainstorm for a couple pieces I'll be making for an Alice in Wonderland inspired gallery plush show in a few months.
It's always been one of my favourites - I think it will be fun picking some fun Wonderland-ish characters to create myself.
I hope to have more work finished to show you for the shop before heading off to Iowa mid-July...
...unless I fall down a rabbit-hole myself.
Happy June.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm home!
I made it home.
It was fun to see family and I didn't even mind the driving most of the time.
We divvied it up on the way there but since we stopped overnight to do a little Quebec City sight seeing (amazing!) on the way hom - I drove the whole way home.
It was nice to get away but at the same time I am so happy to be home. Back to work and sewing and all that good stuff.
And now here's a sunny (ish) ferry view photo as promised - it rained nearly the whole time!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Makers' Market 2009 Number Two
I also listed a little batch of keyrings in the shop this week when I got the urge to use up some of my seemingly endless supply of ribbon.
In other summer news, I'll be taking a couple months off from the markets before my next one in August because I'll be acting as traveling vagabond (only sort of) for a couple weeks in both June and July.
In July I'll be visiting friends in Iowa for a week or two and, coming up sooner than I am ready for in the second week of June, I'll be heading out with my mom and brother to visit family in St. John, New Brunswick on the east coast of Canada. I haven't been for a few years but it really is a beautiful part of the world and it will be nice to see my mom's big family and go on some pretty ferry rides.
Here's a picture from my last visit a few years ago on a rainy day ferry ride to my aunt's house on Kingston peninsula.
I'm hoping to show you some sunny ones when I return but either way I'm sure I'll love it.
I'm really not a boat person but there's something about having to take a ferry to get somewhere you have to be that really excites the kid in me.
Friday, May 15, 2009
May Work
I've been spending the past couple of weeks getting a few things done so I can have a full table for my next Makers' Market next Saturday.
The little brown Needling in the front in the photo and the pink one in the back with the green eyes will be new additions I managed to finish last week. Lots of little things and some pillows will hopefully also make their way to the table providing I am as productive in the coming week as I would like to be!
That next market will be May 23rd 10am-3pm at St. Paul's - the market's first time at a location in Westdale. I hope you will stop by if you can!
This will be my last market until August as my June and July will be occupied with trips to visit family in New Brunswick and friends in Iowa if everything goes according to plan.
My mom is wonderful enough to come with me to the market again next week so I'm sure it will be a fun day hanging outside and seeing lots of fellow local makers.
Ok, back to work!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
SugarElf Love
but, well folks, I have further proof of it's wonderfulness! is one of the sweetest etsy shops ever and I have,
(along with a few other items)
four adorable birdies and one nest to prove it!
Aren't they the cutest?
SugarElf's creator Christine is so lovely and I'm so lucky to have
these sweet little birdies to cheer up my work table.
They work like a charm.
You should get one!
Tweet! Tweet!
Giant Owl Mama Pillow
I've been working on this big lady on and off for a bit now and finally finished sewing her up last night!
She's pretty huggable, I think. Just a larger version of my Owl Mama design made with mint green corduroy and felt. And she's in the shop!
I'm excited to see how she looks/fits on my table for the summer markets. She's about the size of four of my original Owl Mamas. Some moves will certainly have to be made to fit her in.
I'm looking forward to making a few more with different fun corduroys and fabrics I have stored away around the Needlings workroom.
Friday, May 1, 2009
May 1 Newities
I spent the week working on this little girl, named "Naïf," french for naive, made as a submission to an upcoming plush art show called, "Mortal Plush: I am not your toy," taking place at Art Whino Gallery in Maryland.
I'm more excited to see the wonderful art that will no doubt be a part of this show as many of my fellow Plush Team members, as well as many other talented plush artists, have already revealed some amazing submissions.
You can view more of the submissions in the Mortal Plush flickr group.
I love being a part of the plush world and I'm proud enough just to have submitted something - so my work here is done!
Happy May!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Teeny Tiny Owl Earrings
New little owly item went up in the shop this week! Earrings!
I have fun attempting tiny but I've also been working on a larger version of my Owl Mamas that I'm pretty excited about. Another Needling is also in the works as well so lots of half finished projects floating around the workroom. Still trying to get back in to the swing of things but I'm almost almost there!
I hope everyone is enjoying the start of spring-y weather. The past few days here have been so pretty. It's so much easier to wake up early when the sun is already shining - or even just hiding being some rainy spring clouds.
Love you all.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Makers' Market April 18
I know this photo is terrible - my lovely mom went around and took a few pictures during the day on Saturday during the Makers' Market on James North in Hamilton that I participated in but she unfortunately had her camera set to take videos instead of photos so we were left with a bunch of 1 and 2 second videos. Poor thing - she tried!
Anyway, photo debacle aside, it was a beautiful day to be outside and it was just a fun day all around.
I'll be doing four more dates (at least) this year which I am quite happy to do. Lots of sweet people and peaceful locations.
I love it the most when the little kids stop by. Very sweet.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Big Sigh
and not necessarily because I've wanted to be.
My dad had an unexpected emergency
triple bypass on his heart on March 6th and with all the
back and forth to the hospital and just trying
to keep things going - I've been a bit distracted.
A lot distracted really.
Happy happy happy to inform you that he is now home
and recovering, though now has a little bit of pneumonia to conquer.
I'm heading out to see him tomorrow and am so glad to say he is doing ok.

So there's my excuse!
I'm busy working on a batch of Owl Mamas to send to
Young Blood Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia and
getting my wits about me to plan this coming season of
spring/summer markets but I do hope to have some
new projects to show you at some point...though it
may be later rather than sooner, to be honest.

I want to thank everyone for their support and kindness
that I, in some ways, didn't even realize I had.
It has been quite the month but I know there's always more to come.
Love you very much.
Happy Spring!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Plush Team Plushapalooza
It’s Spring Plushapalooza!
The Etsy Plush Street Team is showing off the newest softies for spring in the Gallery room in Etsy Virtual Labs on Tuesday, March 24th, 3 to 4 p.m. EST! The Virtual Labs can be found here.
The Plushapalooza is just like a trunk show in the real world. Plush Team has come to you to show off the latest and greatest we have to offer. We’ll put up three listings from three different Plush Team artists at a time and everyone in the room can click, browse, and ask questions. Many of the Plush Team artists will be right there in the lab to answer!
Here’s a list of just a few of the Plush Team members sharing their work in the Plushapalooza:
- area thrifty one
- weirdbuglady
- patti haskins
- SLC Studio
- Emily ♥ Follow The White Rabbit
- PterodactylPants
- Needlings (that's me!)
- abbydid
- Phil Barbato
- RaggyRat
- Squirrel Momma
- absolutely small
- LittleCritters
- Melissa Stanley
- Yummy Pancake
- Diane Koss
“But the Virtual Labs scare me!” you say? It’s ok, it’s our first time too, but it’s easy and fun. Learn all about Virtual Labs in this Storque article.

The Etsy Plush Street Team is a group of Etsy artists supporting and furthering the ideas behind plush dolls, toys and all the soft areas in between.
The Etsy Plush Street Team Spring Plushapalooza is in the Gallery room in Etsy Virtual Labs on Tuesday, March 24th, 3 to 4 p.m. EST! If EST is not your time zone, here’s a link to help you figure out what your local time is.
See you there!
Monday, February 16, 2009
A Good Cause
attention recently and I wanted to bring it to yours.
A group of etsy artists have got together to run this
shop where all proceeds go to the Australian Red Cross
as they respond to the Australian Bushfire Tragedy.
Buy some goodies or even donate some
(see how to in their shop profile).
It's a good excuse to shop and a great cause.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Groundhog Day!
Just finished this little headband amidst also working on a batch of Owl Mamas to be sent off in to the world.
I'm very off and on with my productivity but I am still working!
I was asked to participate in the Toronto One of a Kind show (big big show!) in April because they have some spots left but I know I wouldn't be capable of making enough inventory for a week long show so soon. I am a realist, people!
I would like to do it another year though. So that's something new to work towards!
I don't think I care either way if the groundhog sees his shadow...I'm quite happy either way. As long as it doesn't do some scary groundhog magic to make time go faster or slower...I'll be fine.
I hope everyone had a good January. Talk soon!
I'm going to go watch some Bill Murray.
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Postcard Samplers!
Just listed four brand new postcard samplers in the shop:
The Owls Postcard Sampler
Penny Postcard Sampler
The Needlings Postcard Sampler
Mixed Needlings Goodies Postcard Sampler
I'm super excited about them and I hope you might like them too!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
January Owl Mamas
I've been working on another batch of Owl Mamas that are now currently on their way to Atlanta, GA to be sold at Young Blood Gallery and Boutique.
It was hard to get myself going - surprisingly not feeling as much beginning of the year motivation and instead more of that feeling you had in your last few weeks of the school year.
Must just be a little worn out from the busy-ness of the last few months of 2008.
I really kept myself pretty busy. I'm still excited for another year with Needlings and everything else is looking pretty good too.
I hope everyone is feeling much more motivated than myself - and I hope that turns around for me quickly!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy New Year!
Yep, it's 2009 now. I hope everyone had a fun night ringing it in.
I wanted to show off more of my mom's shop items! This cowl has been the most popular in her shop lately...I must say it is my favourite.
On the Needlings shop front - lots of already sold snap pouch designs have been relisted for sale and new items are still being worked on in my little workroom.
I tend not to make resolutions but I am definitely looking forward to another Needlings year and will be happily putting in lots of work and time in to making new items and doing more shows. It's always exciting to think of what is to come.
I hope you all enjoyed your holidays. They always fly by fast, don't they?