Saturday, January 19, 2013

In the Workroom Recap : Week 270

A little late but I made it! Last week was a busy one for me with going in to Toronto for a couple days for some fun with friends reservations for fancy tea and some other friends and family obligations but I still managed to finish work on a few more dolls and some other cleanup/behind the scenes jobs in the workshop!

At the end of last week I had mentioned that I started work on a new "Secret Santa" sort of project for a fellow Plush Team member for the Mardi Gras themes swap and as luck would have it, she has already received it so I can share it with you guys this week!  My recipient was Amy of Squirrel Momma, so naturally I made her a little "Squirrel Momma goes to Mardi Gras," since I was feeling obviously very literal about things.

You can even read about her opening the box over at the Plush Team website, I'm now waiting patiently for my secret santa gift! Who has my name?! It's all so exciting! Well, I was super duper early with mine because I happened to find some free time a month before the deadline but I will share it with you in a future week whenever it arrives!

I've been having lots of fun these last couple weeks making my crazy little dolls and taking a break from the usual stuff that keeps me so busy year round. I finished two more this week that are now available in the shop:" target="_blank">Tabitha T. Trollope

And" target="_blank">Birdie B. Bloomfield

Then I had to rearrange the "doll wall" of course, to make some room for the new girls!

I'm looking forward to adding some more and continuing work as usual!

See you all next week!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In the Workroom (and out) Recap : Week 268

And by when I said, "see you next week for the last post of 2012," what I really meant was see you next Wednesday for the first post of 2013! I'm a tricky one. I hope you all had a lovely time ringing in the new year!

I had a great last week of 2012 making another new skirt for myself and a few friend Xmas presents, a few more holiday get togethers with said friends and doing (a) little work in between it all. Obviously blogging was not one of those things but I'll get back in to the regular swing of things now that the holidays are over!

I did some work on the Homespun restock which is now all finished and headed out to Indiana!

Added pockets to an old skirt prototype.

And finished a few presents!

I made my lovely friend Lisa of Nerdbiskit a skirt to match her Nerdbiskit colours:

And we had a lovely friend time (and lunch) with Paula of" target="_blank">Orange Octopus at Earth To Table Bread Bar in Hamilton!

Smiles all around!

And then the year was over! Just like that it ends and another one starts. I always thought it was kind of weird that we box them up like that. Every minute of the day things change and evolve so slowly. But I suppose you can hardly tell until the date changes and you have to get a new calendar. So 2013 it is! I'm looking forward to lots of exciting Needlings things this year and even more in the workroom photos! I'm excited to share these exciting things with you too. How exciting!

Anyway, goodbye 2012!

Hello 2013! See you this weekend! (I swear)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In the Workroom Recap : Week 269

Here I am, on the weekend as scheduled! 

And I sent off the box to Homespun in Indiana! Post holiday shopping restock has begun with hopefully some more new things in between. It should be a busy first few months of the year! I'm sure you'll hear all about it.

They should be on the shelves shortly, for any of you Indiana folks!

One of my goals for the new year is to concentrate more on my one of a kind dolls; to give myself a break from batches of the usual items and because they're fun!
I finished one up this week and have plans for more soon!

They usual start with a little detail idea, a fun fur hair colour, some fabric digging through and a little pencil sketch.

Sometimes they evolve a bit from the drawing as I start cutting and laying out pieces and all that but this one stayed pretty close to the first idea and I was pretty happy with how she turned out when she was all finished.

Violet V. Vandergast is the name of this little one. Because half the fun of doll-making is naming them weirdo names! She's up in" target="_blank">the shop and ready to go!

I wish I had that dress for myself...

Anyway, I started a top secret project at the end of the week for the Plush Team Secret Santa Swap. The Plush Team is a group of plush artists, myself included, that participate in group shows and challenges together including just for fun things like this swap. We do our swap after Christmas since it's usually a busy time for all of us SO I can't reveal the finished project until the recipient gets it in another month or so, but here's the start!
Oh, and the "theme" this year is Mardi Gras!

Almost finished now!  So that'll be finished up and on it's way out and I'll be back to work on more Needlings work!

See you next week, lovely friends!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

In the Workroom Recap : Week 267

I'm here, guys! A few days late and all Christmassed out but ready to share week 267 with you. The days fly by this time of year with all the Christmas excitement going on but I didn't forget for long!

At the beginning of the week, I first got to work on a restock for Homespun in Indiana starting with a batch of phone sleeves. I'm happy they are selling so fast there so I won't complain about how many I've made recently!

I worked on some other things during the week like this little one-eyed kitty for someone who has a real missing eyed kitty of her own...

These cards and tags for wrapping up Christmas gifts and holiday orders...

And in addition to working on regular last minute holiday orders - I whipped up a new Christmas skirt for myself amidst family get togethers and Christmas goings-on.

I was pretty happy with how it turned out and even managed to finish those cell sleeves for Homespun!

I'll be spending the rest of the week finishing up a few more things for the Homespun restock in the workroom and doing a few more holiday hang-outs. This time of year is my favourite. No matter what is going on, I always find it a little easier to stay positive with the holiday cheer thing going on. I'm always happy to spend time with my family but it's always extra nice around Christmas time. This year was no different as far as that goes!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas or whatever holiday you do or don't celebrate this time of year! I am forever thankful for all of you who keep me busy filling orders and stocking up shops this time of year and all year round. Thank you so much! Holiday hugs all around!

See you on the weekend for the last post of 2012! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

O Tannenbaum

Or "Oh Christmas Tree," if you like. One of my favourite parts of the season, going back to various tree farm visits where my brother and I would run around trying to find the tallest, chubbiest, best tree which my mom or dad would then cut down (because the choose a pre-cut one was never as exciting), I've always loved having a real tree in the house for the month.  It's a bit weird I think still, cutting down a tree and putting it up inside, but it smells nice and the family pets always seem to like it too.

This year, after a day off from Needlings sewing to make myself a new sort-of-gingerbread-man's-girlfriend skirt, I headed over to Bennett's Apple Farm in Ancaster and while we didn't cut it down ourselves, we did pick the chubbiest, best one/the one in front and brought it home to cover it in years of handmade ornament making and collecting - in addition to some old favourites, not before picking up some goodies and cider inside of course. Callie the pup enjoyed herself too/chased small prey then freaked out in the car.

I think we got a good one, don't you think?

Callie is totally in to it.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

In the Workroom Recap : Week 266

This week started with a little visit in to check out the amazing craft show in Toronto known as "City of Craft." Hopefully I will get around to doing a post on it in future days/weeks because it was great inspiring fun.
I was happy to come home and get back to work, first sewing a new skirt for myself and next, getting around to bringing some goodies down to Little Bird on Locke St, a great little local shop.

Lots of small things all stocked up! After some holiday fun for myself involving the Christmas tree and other family times, I buckled down to finished filling a few orders and getting to work on applications for shows next year! Paperwork is maybe the most work-y part of any job but I managed to get through it and even get around to taking a few photos for said applications!

I suppose I slacked on taking workshop photos this week. Part of me worries Christmas gifts will be revealed so let's keep a few secrets for the next couple weeks just in case! So the workroom posts might be a bit more sparse than usual.
I feel extra lucky to do this job when someone buys a Needling for a loved one for the holidays. I could get really sappy about it sometime but I'll spare you all that and just say thank you if you are one of these lovely customers, this time of year and year 'round!
I hope to have lots of exciting things to show you in future weeks. Hope you are all having a lovely December!

Monday, December 10, 2012

In the Workroom Recap : Week 265

Back again! December is flying by, isn't it? 

We had a blast at Crafternoon Delight on Saturday and ended the 2012 show schedule happily in the company of some of my favourite Hamilton crafters. It feels like it has been relatively non-stop for shows since the summer so it is a bit bittersweet being able to take a breath and focus on the other elements of Needlings running. 

Last week started with a custom order for a tablet sleeve which is a large version of my owl cell sleeves.

Looks familiar but it's nice to see yet another use for this owl o' mine! I hope it's future owner (who will apparently be receiving it as a gift) will love it!

The worktable was a little messier than usual while I packed up some orders and took inventory of everything I had to bring to the show at the end of the week.

We were lucky enough to be able to head down to the Crafternoon Delight pop-up shop location downtown Hamilton on Friday night which allowed us to set up early (and sleep in the next morning). I'm a big fan of sleeping in, you guys. 

But seeing as how it was pretty quiet for us on Friday night...

Obviously we're dealing with a bunch of morning people!

One last show to document the table display for the year - we'll see what sorts of changes lie ahead for 2013.

I was happy to wear my Needlings owl print outfit again and spend the day with lovely people behind yet another craft table.

Another happy craft week/day!
This week will be spend filling orders and tidying up the workroom and any other things I can fit in to 7 days.

See you soon!