Monday, June 9, 2008

The Return

I seemingly have abandoned this blog
but I promise you it is not for good.
I've been occupied and preoccupied along with
busy for the past few weeks...
I have, however, updated the shop with a few new things:
A doll
who I love:

Between you and me,
this Penny Doll design was created for one of my friends
who just so happens to be having a little baby girl in about 4 weeks.
This new little girl is going to be getting one of these dolls in pink and green which are,
I am told,
the colours of the nursery who waits for her to arrive.

Quite exciting really.
I'm excited.

So that's all for now.
New things to come always.
I hope I won't abandon this blog again but
hopefully you are all having summer fun with no time for blog reading anyway.

Thank you, as always, for checking back.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Tote

I mentioned a new tote last post...

well, this isn't it.

But it is a new tote!

The other one I am still knitting/trying to find the time to knit the straps for it.

This one is going to go up in the shop in a little bit though.

It's a bigger one.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Victoria Day Weekend Work Update

To make use of my first day off since I got back from my trip,
I made a new little clutch for my shop:

I'm super excited about it. I think it's really cute.

I've also finished a new Needling that remains nameless because I've just been exhausted in a way that doesn't warrant naming and story-writing. Even mini-story writing.

Here he is though.
Probably will be in the shop sometime this coming week.

I'm also working on a new tote.
I've just got some pretty pink straps to knit up and it will be ready to go.
Give me a little while for those but you'll see that soon too.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mama's Day

I suppose it's almost over now but still.
I had some nice family time and showered my mom with magazines and books.
Well two British magazines and Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (an Oprah recommended book I have no desire to read but my mom was interested in).
Work at a book store.
It will make you Oprah bitter.

I finished and listed in my shop this new little scrap munchkin today.

Found about 3 yards of this navy polka dotted chintz at one Saturday morning yard sale.

Not sure what I'll use it for...
so far, little legs and arms.

Put up a new pouch yesterday and am working on another little wallet for the shop that I think I will manage to list by tomorrow afternoon.
The wallets are a lot of work but I think it's worth it and I get compliments on my own all the time which is encouraging.
Check out the shop tomorrow...I promise a new one will be there.

I'm very happy to be motivated this week to get a lot of new things finished.
I think because I've been away from my supplies for two weeks.
It's funny how much I miss hanging out and sewing things.
I love that I get to do it as much as I do.
I very much miss and wish my other loves were closer to me.
Can't have everything and everyone you love always together I guess.
Mom's here though.
That's a plus.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm back!

I had an amazing trip and an overwhelming amount of happy times over the past two weeks.
I'm home now, and after sleeping the whole day to recover from an all night bus ride rapidly followed by first day back to work...
I will be starting to get The Needlings shop back in gear after packing up orders made while I was gone.

I don't recommend working at 7am the morning you arrive by bus at 5am.
It will mess you up.

I hope everyone's May is off to a good start.
Although I am sad sad sad about being away again from my Iowa friends and Carlos in Ohio,
I am excited to get some work done this week.
I'd say you can expect a few new things in the coming weeks for sure.

Talk soon.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Closing shop!

Don't worry! Just for two weeks!

I'm going on vacation so, while technically the shop is completely open, I'm not going to be shipping any purchases made until I return on May 9th.

I will be maid of honouring it up in Iowa and then spending a couple days in Ohio with Carlos afterwards; essentially I will be touring the midwest of America for my super tropical spring vacation.

I am actually really excited.

I have been really inactive on this blog lately because I've just been trying to get myself together and ready to take a couple weeks off life at home!

I've been working (and actually finishing, thank the lo) on Jenny and Trystan's wedding present and spare extras for the shop over the past week.

A little photo tour:

The beginnings of a fluffy pillow; a fluffy pillow so desired by said receiver.

Really messy work table with the beginnings of a covered canvas experiment

Domino looks on unimpressed. (Note tiny spot of cat drool)

And done!

So that's what I've been up to.
An owly wedding present of two wall hangings and a fuzzy pillow for my best friend and fellow owl lover, Jenny, and her probably ok enough with owls fiance and soon to be husband, Trystan.

They don't read this blog so I can be sure the secret is safe.

So again you won't see me for a stretch of time...two weeks to be exact!

But as soon as I get back home, it's back to work on lots of new Needlings suches!

I hope everyone has a great end of April beginning of May!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I keep all my scraps.

Bins and drawers of cut up felt and fabric and thread.

Here's "Dot the Scrap Munchkin," to help me out.

She's just been listed in the shop.

Oh and also I have to show off my new stuff,
some made, one bought.

My new "Princess Tina" tote purchase from Magic Pony (really fun toy shop/gallery)
and my new wallet and change purse I made for myself.
Yay new stuff! Right?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I made a new Owl Mama yesterday.
She's red.
And she's in my shop.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Apple (and yummy yarn)

I just made this new little apple keyring for my shop and while I was taking photos
I looked over at my brand new knittydirtygirl yarn and thought the red would look so nice with it!

It's her "intergalactic cabbage"...
which is completely amazing as you can see!
It's super soft too!
I have to think long and hard about what to knit up with it.
I'll definitely be checking back at her shop though because I may need the "mustard seed" as well at some point.
Highly recommended!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Blister Fingers the Wallet

I worked on this new little wallet yesterday.
My poor fingers hate me for it!
I made a sort of experiment one first to test out the card holders and then just went for it.
I think it's pretty cute but I don't know how many I'll be making because it was a big job for such a little thing!
I just listed it in the shop.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ok, I don't regularly talk about my etsy favourites, (perhaps I should more?)
but I saw these in SugarElf's etsy shop and I just had to tell someone!

Aren't they adorable owls?!
If you haven't seen her shop before, definitely take a look because her stuff is so sweet.
I own one of her pin cushions (an owl one. surprise.) and it really is a great happy making addition to my sewing table.

Really cute stuff.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I always seem to work on Saturdays...

I guess I just work whenever I have the time and I had it today.
I finished the custom order for a gal in Copenhagen:

I really love how it all turned out and I really hope she does too!

I also managed to get little Kirby up in the shop so check her story out
when you get the chance.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Mine's been exciting because I've just received my bridesmaid dress for Jenny's wedding!
The wedding is May 3rd where I will be maid of honouring it and I'm super excited to get down to Iowa in a few weeks to see lots of people I miss and do lots of fun stuff.
Jenny is one of my oldest and bestest friends and I can't tell you how wonderful it will be just to be there for it.
I gush.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Moody Mushy

I couldn't decide if I wanted a happy or angry mushroom..

So I did two in one.

A Moody Mushy:

I just put it up in the shop.
Back to work!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Needling

Name and story currently in the works...

Now back to my custom orders.
Happy April!

Monday, March 31, 2008


Helloooo Everyone!
I had a truly amazing week with Carlos.
This week calls for feelings of "back to reality,"
which, lets face it, isn't really that bad.

The Needlings took a back seat to a fun week driving around drinking coffee,
walking around Toronto, visiting more friends, and
spending too long in a more recently discovered favourite gallery/toy shop, Magic Pony,
with someone I love and can't help but have extra fun with.

This week I'll be getting back in front of the felt/needles/sewing machine/knitting needles/etc.
in order to fill a big custom order as well as hopefully get a few new things up in the shop.
I worked on this custom makeup pouch as soon as Carlos left in order to distract me from the immediate missing.

Talk soon.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Weekend

I hope everyone is having a good Friday.
I am very excited to be expecting my favourite guest tonight (Carlos) who will be visiting for the week.
It will be a happy vacation for me too so if you don't hear from me for a while...
Don't fret.
I shall return.

Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Elf Drops

My most vivid memories from being a kid are various bits of car trips. I remember driving through the night, Nick and I in the back seat laying against each door with our feet up against each others in the middle. I would stare out the window when it would rain and the drops would run off the window sideways. I would pretend that they were racing or running away or to something. I would pick one little drop and I would root for it to win whatever race it was. I still look at drops of water singularly instead of collectively. I just have a history of singling them out as individuals.

Elf Drops.
Just went up in my shop tonight.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Owl Mama

Someone snatched up both the Owl Mamas in my shop earlier this week.

So here's the new one.

With red rick rack and red stitching around her face.

I like her. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Picnic Owl

My new tote is ready.

I love how bright the yellow yarn for the handles is.
I bought it when I was in Columbus to make a bright yellow and hot pink scarf for Carlos.
The left overs worked perfectly with this navy gingham, I think!

Well happy Monday dears.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday Night

I worked on a new tote all day...
Pictures and listing in the shop coming tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Keep your eyes open.
Especially if you like gingham.

In addition to a new tote;
I made myself a new camera house.
Very happy padded home for my camera out of some old
quilted placemats I found at the thrift store a while ago.

I love the print and just happened to have a matching zipper and pretty lining fabric.
My camera is very happy.
As am I.

Talk soon, keep warm.