Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In the Workroom Recap : Week 303

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great Labour Day weekend!

I spent most the week sewing away as usual. A sure sign that two of the biggest festivals of the year are only days away! Locke Street Festival is coming up this Saturday on the 7th and Supercrawl the following Saturday. I can't wait! These are also two of my favourite shows and two days of the year that make me extra excited to be a part of the art community of Hamilton.

All that mushy stuff aside, I started the week off with testing out my new doll stands! Yep, they'll work! A few of my extra large headed dollies are in need of some bigger stands but I'm happy to say that my plans for these will work out and I can (almost) cross another thing off my to-do list before One of a Kind Show pops up in December!

Before I got going on sewing another little batch of littles (kitties next!), I took some time to paint another display piece! This time a grungy little vintage suitcase into a painted less grungy little suitcase lined with a little chalkboard for various doodles and pricing info and all that stuff!

Much better!

I'm pretty excited about it! I'll add it to the bunch of new display items and give it a test run at Locke Street Festival this weekend!
Next, I finished up that batch of kitties!

Pretty cute, right? I also finally picked up some good chalk (apparently there is such a thing as bad chalk) and tried out that chalkboard. I am convinced now that everything can be made better with a chalkboard element so get ready for months of chalkboard-ing around here. (A few more things anyway!)

Next, a few cell phone sleeves to add to the bunch of goodies for the Locke Street display.
Luckily the weekend was pretty rainy and dark so being stuck in my workroom wasn't terrible at all but I did take the travelling workspace over to Lisa's (of Nerdbiskit) to do some work with company for a little bit! With tea, of course! Wondeful pumpkim spice chai. Fall is the best - I know it's still summer, but it's September now so we're close!

We both have Locke Street Festival and Supercrawl coming up in the next couple weekends so there are lots of things to sew between the two of us! (Like that taco face by Nerdbiskit on the bottom right there!)
I also picked up my new buttons all ready to go with Needlings illustrations. So happy with them!

Then I was back home again and finished off those cell sleeves!

That's it for the week but I'll be spend the rest of this one now continuing to stock up for the festivals and finish a few more display items so I can try out the brand new set up on Saturday! 

See you there, I hope! 

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