Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In (mostly out of) the Workroom Recap : Week 310 & 311

Hey guys!

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I'm officially back to real life after my family vacation out East and have tons to do in the next month before the One of a Kind Show so you might be seeing me a little more around here.

I brought a big bag of goodies to cut and sew while I was away for 10 days but with the two day drive on either end and the general great time visiting with family I haven't seen in years, I'm happy to say I didn't cut or sew a thing! If you know me at all you know I don't often go multiple days without sneaking at least a little Needlings work in - so I did good! And it was really lovely. But back to work now! I am really glad I had the chance to go with family and hang out and take pictures and have a good solid break before the final stretch until One of a Kind.

Now I'm back to working on finishing up a big restock batch of Owl Mamas to send to Kid Icarus in Toronto but took a small break to finish up a little custom robot order!

Bowties! I was happy to get around to making this little guy because I have been thinking about robots with bowties for a little while now. Deep thoughts.

So back to work! Owls then bunches and bunches of goodies for One of a Kind! You know the drill.

See you soon!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

In the Workroom Recap : Week 308

Another week over already if you can believe it! It went by extra fast but I still managed to get a big chunk of the restock done for Kid Icarus in Toronto while still keeping up with regular orders and One of a Kind Show prep! (In other words, tons of cutting! There are parts of things everywhere around here lately!)

These little faces though are for my little owls as well as my iPhone sleeves so I plan to bring a stack of these when I go away next week so I can try to keep up with stocking things for One of a Kind show (which I know will be here before I know it!). But for now, I've been moving along with the restock for Kid Icarus before heading out of town next Wednesday!

(Creepy mug!)

24 little owlings all ready to go to Toronto! - as soon as the remaining 72 items on the list are ready to go with them of course. Luckily most of the parts are cut and lined up so they will come together quicker than you would think! Luckily I also love it so every little batch of these guys is still fun for me. 

At the beginning of the week, one of my dear friends, Crystal, who I have known since our high school theatre prop making days, stopped by to donate to me her old but now not-used sewing machine which just so happens to coincidentally be almost identical to mine! Needlings has run one Kenmore machine's motor in to the ground already so the one I have now is the back up for that one (which was also pretty identical but purchased new when I was 16 instead of from a newspaper ad from older woman who no longer used her's) so this makes three for me. I have to make sure bases are covered if another one gets sick of the daily abuse I put them through and decides to conk out on me! So thank you so much to Crystal who helped me fill the next back up position with another one and saved me from scouring those classified ads again! I'm so lucky to have such sweet and supportive friends. 

Speaking of those sweet and supportive types, Lisa of Nerdbiskit.com and I had another lunch/sewing date on Saturday where I got started on kitties (after a lunch and latte at Williams on the water in Hamilton) and was eventually able to finish them to start this next week off fresh with a bunch of owly keychains!

The weather was dreary but the pumpkin spice latte was warm and we had a lovely time as always! It's always nice to take my work on a little field trip so I'm not stuck in the workroom all the time! I love fall. I might have mentioned it last week...but you may hear it a few more times before it's over!

Perfect fall day. My favourite!
Then on to more kitty sewing of course.

And the kitties are finished! That makes 32 down and 60 to go on the Kid Icarus restock!

Speaking of restock - I also received my Needlings card restock so that's one more thing checked of the One of a Kind checklist! Hopefully 1000 of these will do the trick. Which also happens to be approximately the amount of things on my to do list! It's going to be a busy couple months, you guys!

Luckily my hands are still functioning and everything is going as planned. So I will see you after another week is over!
This will will be spend sewing away of course with a quick field trip on Wednesday to participate in a fundraiser for Burlington/Hamilton United Way put on by the Canada Centre for Inland Waters in Burlington! It's a great cause and I can always bring some handsewing with me, right?! Right.

See you next week everyone! I hope you're all enjoying all the leaves changing and pumpkin flavoured things as much as I am!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In the Workroom Recap : Week 309

Week 309 is all wrapped up! The rest of week 310 and 311 will be spent out of the workroom while I head out to New Brunswick tomorrow to visit family so this is it until the end of October. I'm planning on bringing some handsewing and cutting to work on while I'm away of course but significantly less so it still counts!

These last couple weeks have been busy ones around here but the big important things are taken care of and as soon as I get back I'll be working away on more stock for One of a Kind Show!

This week has mostly been spent finishing up this big store restock for Kid Icarus in Toronto! The big Owl Mamas will have to be put on hold until I get back but I'm happy to say these are all on their way! Whew. 

I'll see you guys when I return where all that and more will be on the worktable yet again before One of a Kind!

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your October! I'll see you in a couple weeks!