Monday, May 24, 2010

Curious Rabbits

Hello again friends.

In the midst of packing and getting ready to move next week I made this funny bunny and tiny mushroom.

The rabbit looks something like a smaller simple version of the White Rabbit I made for the Alice in Wonderland show I did last year.

I hope to make a few more of the little ones...and I had so much fun making the little mushroom.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May News

Hello all.

Well, I will be spending the next few weeks getting ready to move (not far at all, but that doesn't mean packing takes any less time) in a few weeks so I will be spending less time on Needlings work and more time on packing my belongings in various boxes.

I hope to get right back in to sewing right away but I thought I would let you know why I've been a bit more absent than usual lately.

I'm not doing as many summer shows/fairs/etc. this year because we weren't sure when the house would sell but I can let you know now that the next show Needlings will be attending will be FanExpo in Toronto at the Convention Centre in August. My second comic-y one so I'm excited for more costumes and craziness. It's the largest one in Canada and Stan Lee, who created Spiderman and other famous things, will be attending this year so it's expected to be bigger than ever.

So although you may not see me here too often - I've been "tumbling" over on my new tumblr blog if you wanted to see quick links of things I like I'll be keeping that up in between throwing books in boxes and the like.

I'm still around.

Here are my last few tumblr posts and reposts (ie: stuff I liked that other people posted).
It's fun! Follow me and I'll follow you to see what you like too!