Friday, March 19, 2010

One Week Away!

One week away from what? Comic con of course!

Lots of sewing and tagging going on around here lately. The robots in the photo above are almost all done and I have plenty more things on the to-do list for the next week. Nothing quite like a deadline to motivate me.
I'm excited to see what it's all about and hopefully see some crazy costumes and other hilarity over the three days.

Of course there are always Owl Mamas on my to-do list. I'll be making more for Young Blood in Atlanta as soon as I'm home from comic con. You wouldn't believe the amount of rickrack I have hanging around. I love it. It really is one of my most favourite things.

Spring is also on that list.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Work

Packing owls for various shops and still working on that little stack of them in the back there.
The days are getting away from me closing in on comic con and hoping I have enough stuff and enough time to keep making things. I never think I have enough time. I'm the type that leaves way too early for things...or conversely way too late. I guess they say creative types have issues with time. Well, that's me.

I hope you are all seeing and liking the little beginnings of spring happening. I love this time of year. I don't even mind all the mud.