Well hello strangers.
I have been mostly absent
and not necessarily because I've wanted to be.
My dad had an unexpected emergency
triple bypass on his heart on March 6th and with all the
back and forth to the hospital and just trying
to keep things going - I've been a bit distracted.
A lot distracted really.
Happy happy happy to inform you that he is now home
and recovering, though now has a little bit of pneumonia to conquer.
I'm heading out to see him tomorrow and am so glad to say he is doing ok.

So there's my excuse!
I'm busy working on a batch of Owl Mamas to send to
Young Blood Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia and
getting my wits about me to plan this coming season of
spring/summer markets but I do hope to have some
new projects to show you at some point...though it
may be later rather than sooner, to be honest.

I want to thank everyone for their support and kindness
that I, in some ways, didn't even realize I had.
It has been quite the month but I know there's always more to come.
Love you very much.
Happy Spring!
and not necessarily because I've wanted to be.
My dad had an unexpected emergency
triple bypass on his heart on March 6th and with all the
back and forth to the hospital and just trying
to keep things going - I've been a bit distracted.
A lot distracted really.
Happy happy happy to inform you that he is now home
and recovering, though now has a little bit of pneumonia to conquer.
I'm heading out to see him tomorrow and am so glad to say he is doing ok.

So there's my excuse!
I'm busy working on a batch of Owl Mamas to send to
Young Blood Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia and
getting my wits about me to plan this coming season of
spring/summer markets but I do hope to have some
new projects to show you at some point...though it
may be later rather than sooner, to be honest.

I want to thank everyone for their support and kindness
that I, in some ways, didn't even realize I had.
It has been quite the month but I know there's always more to come.
Love you very much.
Happy Spring!