Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Tote

I mentioned a new tote last post...

well, this isn't it.

But it is a new tote!

The other one I am still knitting/trying to find the time to knit the straps for it.

This one is going to go up in the shop in a little bit though.

It's a bigger one.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Victoria Day Weekend Work Update

To make use of my first day off since I got back from my trip,
I made a new little clutch for my shop:

I'm super excited about it. I think it's really cute.

I've also finished a new Needling that remains nameless because I've just been exhausted in a way that doesn't warrant naming and story-writing. Even mini-story writing.

Here he is though.
Probably will be in the shop sometime this coming week.

I'm also working on a new tote.
I've just got some pretty pink straps to knit up and it will be ready to go.
Give me a little while for those but you'll see that soon too.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mama's Day

I suppose it's almost over now but still.
I had some nice family time and showered my mom with magazines and books.
Well two British magazines and Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (an Oprah recommended book I have no desire to read but my mom was interested in).
Work at a book store.
It will make you Oprah bitter.

I finished and listed in my shop this new little scrap munchkin today.

Found about 3 yards of this navy polka dotted chintz at one Saturday morning yard sale.

Not sure what I'll use it for...
so far, little legs and arms.

Put up a new pouch yesterday and am working on another little wallet for the shop that I think I will manage to list by tomorrow afternoon.
The wallets are a lot of work but I think it's worth it and I get compliments on my own all the time which is encouraging.
Check out the shop tomorrow...I promise a new one will be there.

I'm very happy to be motivated this week to get a lot of new things finished.
I think because I've been away from my supplies for two weeks.
It's funny how much I miss hanging out and sewing things.
I love that I get to do it as much as I do.
I very much miss and wish my other loves were closer to me.
Can't have everything and everyone you love always together I guess.
Mom's here though.
That's a plus.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm back!

I had an amazing trip and an overwhelming amount of happy times over the past two weeks.
I'm home now, and after sleeping the whole day to recover from an all night bus ride rapidly followed by first day back to work...
I will be starting to get The Needlings shop back in gear after packing up orders made while I was gone.

I don't recommend working at 7am the morning you arrive by bus at 5am.
It will mess you up.

I hope everyone's May is off to a good start.
Although I am sad sad sad about being away again from my Iowa friends and Carlos in Ohio,
I am excited to get some work done this week.
I'd say you can expect a few new things in the coming weeks for sure.

Talk soon.