But it is and so it was.
This week was a busy one and being now that my first show of the year is a week from today, I'm looking at another busy one ahead!
I started the week out with another doodle.

A lot more plans have been developing in my head for these silly things but in the meantime I've been having fun picking up my pencil whenever something pops in there.
The plan was to drop off a batch of goodies at our new retailer, Little Bird in Hamilton, on Thursday so I had to keep working away on a batch of Owl Mamas. But I did take a little break from them to ship out a couple Little Owlings to a customer in Norway. I wish I could take the trip with them! Except in some sort of seat or chair rather than inside an envelope. They don't seem to mind though.

After I finished that up and then finished stuffing all my Owl Mamas, I started work on a little batch of Little Robots to bring down to the new shop!

While I try to keep my work area pretty neat and professional. I will admit that sometimes I find a comfier chair, put my feet up, and sew in my pjs. Just think of all the personal handmade care that goes in to sewing all these little faces... Those big box toy stores don't have anything on Needlings. Right? Right!

Back to the worktable and no more worse for the wear!

Better, in fact.
OK! So I brought all these down to Little Bird as you may have seen in my last post and after some excitement and conversation, I worked on a few kitties to add to their stock when someone asked if they could get one there.

So now they're there! (their)

Then a whale and a fancy fox doodle for good measure. I like a whale and a fox. And a capelet.
So that's it for this week! I am staring at my worktable starting to figure out my schedule for what to make next in order for me to have a full table at my first craft show of the year on the 5th. Lots to do!
I hope to see some of you there!

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