When I first started sewing Needlings in 2007, it was strictly living room/coffee table work. This worked for longer than I'd like to admit although slowly taking over other tables and closets throughout the years.
Now I have beautiful big worktable and workspace that I love and a stuffed closet full of extra supplies, fabric, display pieces, etc.
I am a big believer in the fact that there is no right way to do anything and work needs, craft rooms, workspaces, studios are no exception. I use what works for me and am constantly changing things around to see fit. As a result, my "In the Workroom" photos have had a lot of variations over the years. Through some hardcore picture folder research and organizing - I found some examples to share of variations of workspace looks.
This was my "storage table" for finished goodies, paperwork, and extra supplies in December of 2007 only a few months in to Needlings. Because most of my work in the past few years has been stocking stores, very rarely do I have this many finished Needlings goodies to store before they have to be shipped out!

June 2008

*2009 seems to be the dark ages as far as workspace photos goes.
March 2010 (with work snacks)

October 2010

April 2011

September 2011

January 2012

And today!

It's an ever evolving mess of scraps, supplies, and paperwork but I try to keep it tidy with lots of room for cutting and thinking. It's also fun to see the evolution of my work itself. And photo quality.
Do you have a studio or craft space? Where do you work? I'd love to see it!
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